Saturday, November 2, 2013

Liberty Humane Society and Neighborhood Cats Launching a Major Spay/Neuter Effort in Jersey City

Saw a stray cat in your neighborhood?
If not spayed/neutered, you might be seeing many, many more soon!
Liberty Humane Society and Neighborhood Cats are launching a program to humanely trap, spay / neuter and return approximately 250 homeless cats in the northeast section of the 07306 zip code of Jersey City. This is a process known as Trap-Neuter-Release, or TNR.

Gone unchecked, stray or feral cats can quickly become a serious problem.

Seeing one or two cats roaming your neighborhood can very quickly turn into many cats if they are not spayed or neutered.

You can tell if a cat is spayed or neutered if the top part of his or her ear is missing (known as ear-tipping). If you see outdoor cats that do not have ear-tipping, you can get help with Trap-Neuter-Release in order to curb reproduction and prevent an out-of-control population from the following resources:

Help with TNR within the target area (northeast section of 07306 zip code):

As part of this effort by Liberty Humane Society and Neighborhood Cats you can report the location of the cats by contacting the Jersey City Feral Cat Hotline, (201) 351-7772 or by emailing info(at)  For more information about this initiative, please see the FAQs about this program.

Additional TNR resources:

Neighborhood Cats offers free TNR workshops in NYC on how to work safely with feral cats.  Check their schedule for upcoming workshops.  They also have extensive information on their website about feral cats and TNR.

St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center is also offering a free TNR workshop this Thursday, November 7th at 6:30 pm. St. Hubert's is located at 575 Woodland Avenue, Madison, NJ.  You can register by contacting Colleen Harrington at 973-377-7094 or charrington(at)

The Companion Animal Trust of Jersey City has training workshops during May through October.

Liberty Humane Society has limited resources available for TNR (outside the target area), but for information about low-cost spay/neuter you can contact Alycia(at) or call (201) 547-4147 x9.

Foster parents, adopters and feral cat caretakers needed!

Please visit Liberty Humane Society or a local rescue group such as Rescue the Cats if you are willing to foster or adopt one of the many rescued kittens or friendly (non-feral) cats waiting for a home.

Feral cat caretakers, a sort of kitty guardian angel, are also needed to make sure these outdoor cats have food, water and shelter, especially as the weather turns cold.  This is a great article in Jersey City Independent about one such guardian angel, artist Kayt Hester, and her colony, the Coles Street Strays.

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